Rose Buddies Volunteer

In the tradition of Fred Fearing and Joe Kramer the Maritime Ministries staff and community volunteers continue to meet and greet the transient mariners that visit our city. We do this by individually meeting and welcoming the mariners to the multiple docks within our community and offering a hand tying up their vessel (often, they contact us directly days before their arrival). We provide them with a reusable shopping bag with our own”Mariner’s Guide to Elizabeth City” and information from our communities’ downtown business owners, churches, and non-profits. Naturally, we give each boat a rose cut from Fred Fearing’s downtown bushes or our own at the MACU docks.

This migration occurs in mid-March and April (north-bound) and mid-September and October (south-bound). Faster motor vessels (trawlers) arrive around 1:00 pm, with sailboats arriving around 3:00 pm daily.

If you would like to help us staff this fun welcome to our community, please get in touch with us by email, by clicking below, or by calling 336-681-0575.