Patrick & Rachel

Since 2002, Patrick and Rachel have had the privilege of serving in international missions outreach through church planting, prison ministry, sports ministry, youth ministry and have enjoyed many varieties of community outreach. They have had the opportunity to train, mobilize, and care for gospel workers.
Our amazing heavenly Father has given Patrick and Rachel a clear call to the nations. For eight years they were blessed to walk alongside many national workers in different countries, learning how to be the hands and feet of Jesus in starting new worshiping groups. God has called them to the unreached and the persecuted and also burdened their hearts to encourage weary Gospel workers.
In 2007, the Lord placed a dream in their hearts to use a boat as a ministry vessel. This boat will take them to the nations as a family. It will be a platform for discipleship training, outreach, church planting, community health, and evangelism. This ministry vessel will provide heart restoration for weary and persecuted church planters and a means for transporting medical and educational supplies. It will connect a lost world to a loving Savior! The journey has begun as they construct this 40-foot catamaran in their back yard. Upon completion, their family will journey down the United States east coast, through Central America, and make their way to Colombia, South America. Then they will most likely cross through the Panama Canal and journey to the unreached in Southeast Asia. More details will come as these voyages unfold.
The book of Romans speaks of those who have beautiful feet. Those courageous feet are ones who are carrying the Good News to the nations. Their prayer is for God to use their family to be his hands and feet to be part of the Great Commission to reach those who do not know Jesus now, but whom he will mightily use to make Himself known through their lives. May we be poured out for his glory!
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? … ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” Romans 10:14–15.
Patrick and Rachel have been blessed with three miracles: Caroline, Joshua, and Shiloh. They are vitally woven into God’s call on the family to go to the ends of the earth!
To learn more about Patrick and Rachel and connect with updates, visit their blog: