Hope Voyage Ministries

Kayla came to us with a passion for sharing who Christ is through all we see and know in Creation. By combining her love for the outdoors, her love for people and her heart for all souls to know true Hope through the person of Jesus Christ, her non-profit, Hope Voyage Ministries(HVM) was born. With the idea originating back in 2019, she has stayed the course in developing this ministry by God’s grace and provision. In 2023 HVM gained its official 501c3 status.
Not too long after that the Lord worked through Maritime Ministries in donating a 33′ Hunter named s/v Kairos! Plans continue to be in the works in order to move Kairos up to the Baltimore/Annapolis area where Kayla will begin her ministry. As she works to gain her Captain’s license in the Chesapeake, she’ll focus on ministering to women in the area – where they find their value, how they can have true hope, what it means to be a Christian woman, how to have confidence in Christ etc.
She aims to share truth and just be a source of encouragement by providing quality time, a listening ear and a sailing experience. Of course, all who join will have plenty of opportunities to learn how to sail! As this ministry grows, Kayla has a variety of ideas and desires for what she hopes HVM can do in the future. To learn more check out her blog or send her an email at HopeVoyageMinistries@gmail.com! You can also find HVM on Facebook. We are excited to see how God will use Kayla and s/v Kairos in the lives of those who live in PA , MD and beyond!